Mission Mangalyaan-ic Telepathy

After the tremendous success with Brazilian Neymar’s current form, the ISRO has decided to rope in the legendary Happening Babua for a costly mission.

Hold on. Did you miss something? Well…because of the big heart that I have,  I’m willing to tell you the preceding events in a nutshell.

Happening Babua doesn’t really have a fixed job. Whether he deserves it or not is an altogether different issue…a highly sensitive one in that regard, but our hero doesn’t believe in having one. The goal he has set for himself till 2020 is to become the ‘The Master of All Trades And The Jack of None’. Yeah…that’s right. And definitely realistic considering the vast experience Happ has by working in almost 367 job profiles.

In 2012 when Gangnam Style became a YouTube sensation, Psy was getting a lot of queries regarding his dancing and horse-riding skills – which remained a big mystery at the time. But finally after immense pressure from Justin Bieber and his manager he revealed his success mantra – Happening Babua. Happ had actually devised a deadly combo of dance and horse-riding moves, and had given Psy the rights to use this patented dance-riding moves. He also taught him how to embed the contagious virus so that it becomes a viral YouTube video.

After this ‘Revelation of the Decade’, a lot of football players started contacting Happening to coach them with some really breathtaking moves. After a tiring shortlisting procedure which lasted for almost 2 months involving pronouncing the players’ names, Happening finally decided to coach Neymar from Brazil as that’s the easiest to pronounce, in addition to the fact that it’s a combination of two Hindi words. And now…the rest is history. You can surf the net and get a hang of Neymar’s current game-form and compare it to his past. Happ is really-really a legendary megastar who has been somehow pushed to the background due to Rajinikanth’s immense popularity among the children of India.

Now that the FIFA World Cup is about to begin, Happ has stopped spoonfeeding Neymar and has asked him to fend for himself in the next one hell-of-a-glamorous month – now that Jennifer Lopez has agreed to perform at the opening ceremony due to Happ’s insistence. Taking note of the fact that Happ is now free from any commitments, the ISRO has roped him to play a kind-of football in space. Football and Happening’s telepathic superpower is the basis for this selection. The ISRO wants Happening to nudge India’s Mars Orbiter – Mangalyaan a tad closer to Mars. It’s not a routine operation. A great degree of precision is required in calculating and correctly firing the four small rocket engines on board the spacecraft in the exact direction for precisely 16 seconds — a high-pressure task capable of being executed flawlessly with Happening’s just one of the superhuman capabilities where he’ll communicate with Mangalyaan’s rocket engines telepathically and play with them like a football — a task which if fails would make the Rs 450 Crore satellite get lost in space rendering the highly prestigious Mars mission a dud unless, of course, it’s cast in Gravity 2.

Just another one of those heroic acts of Happ for which he has earned the rightful title ‘The Megahero of Superheroes’.