A Happening Comeback

Remember two months back when Happ simmered down in the sewers of Bangalore to invent a travel device?

Don’t? Then here’s a synopsis. The Dust Particle – his travel companion – was confiscated by the government of India, which prompted him to device a breakthrough. At the same time his pet goldfish – Goldilocks had laid an egg thus giving birth to a Pigeon! Sadly it flew off in its quest for adventure leaving the hapless Happ all by himself to invent a transportation device. Well… that was the story back then.

And for the next two months, he was in there… in the sewers… isolated from the world… in his pursuit of being the next Wright Brothers. Being in the sewer also helped him avoid all the hoopla surrounding Bang Bang. With all the scraps he could collect from the thieves of the locality (after handing them over to the police of course), he went all out in to make sure he invented a device no one could dare to confiscate. He also watched all the Iron Man movies for inspiration. However, all the cockroaches and rodents from the sewers came out onto the surface as they couldn’t bear Happening rapping Eminem’s ‘Lose Yourself’ day in and day out. The unprecedented rains of Bangalore however took a toll on their population rendering them almost close to extinction! See, how Happ contributed to the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan? Not just superficial cleaning but intrinsic cleansing. That’s why everyone loves him – The Megahero of Superheroes!

However, in the solitude of the sewage, Happ developed a highly keen sense of hearing – his hearing became more sensitive than a dog and a cat combined. His eyesight has also bettered. It’s more powerful than a golden eagle’s.

One day, in this time of isolation in the sewers, he started hearing his name “Happ, Happ. Come up. Come up” constantly. He thought that he was out of his mind. Yet he kept on devising his stuff until the rainfall started seeping into the sewer leaving most of the scraps as rust. Halfheartedly he gave up his quest and went to his home only to find a guest waiting for him. The Pigeon. Yeah…that one. Goldilocks’ child. It had become a beauty in itself with radium-like sheeny eyes, colour-changing feathers and graceful-swifty moves. It apologised to Happ for leaving him when Happ was depressed. Yes, it talked. However, turns out that it was doing its duty by going around the world and remembering all the routes in each and every country. The Pigeon was brought down, it seems, by god to serve Happ as his transportation vehicle. It can change its size – from a normal pigeon size to an ostrich size. It was also capable of receiving telecom and radio rays through its eyes and communicating the message through its mouth, and passing Happ’s voice through its ears across the spectrum. This solved all of Happ’s worries regarding transportation with an added benefit of a communication device!

After bonding with his Pigeon, Happ was finally taking a stroll across the skylines of Bangalore yesterday when he saw a bunch of college kids looking at the picture of a naked woman on their phones. Happ, more than 40 feet above the city, saw the caption which read ‘Kim Kardashian on Paper’. Straight from his Pigeon throne, Happ questioned himself “Who is Kim Kardashian?”. Just to himself.

And today, the epitome of narcissism confirmed that she’s coming to India this Saturday on Big Boss. No prizes for guessing the reason of her visit, is there?

2 thoughts on “A Happening Comeback

  1. Pingback: Happening Pigeon | The Happenings of Hapless Happ

  2. Pingback: Happening Objective | The Happenings of Hapless Happ

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